Mahalo for your generous giving of your time!
Encourage athletes to have fun and do their best!
Develop athletes skill set to develop confidence!
Progress athlete’s skill sets and knowledge each game!
Please watch the video below to get an understanding of game flow and duties.
Arrive 30 minutes prior to game start time. Coaches & Referees arrive in your Taki Fit Shirt
FIRST GAMe: Coaches & Refs go to the check in table to PICKUP Taki Fit shirt & change into shirt for the game. wear this shirt to each game.
Check in at the Volunteer Check In Table and scan QR code. Read duties for the day
All volunteers assist with setup
All volunteers meet at Scores Table after setup to debrief for the day and then assist players to designated courts
GAME 1: K-2nd Grade @ 11:45am-12:45pm
SETUP TIME: 11:15am-11:35am
8 ft rims assembled on court A & B (2-3 people)
Score table setup
2 chairs
Scoreboard plugged in with extension cord
I-pads with scoreboards
Team chairs setup on Court A & B
Spectator chairs setup
GAME 2: 3rd-Beginner 6th Grade @ 1:00pm-2:30pm
SETUP TIME: 12:45pm-1:00pm
Adjust 8ft rim on Court B to 9ft and take off 8ft rim on Court A. Store 8ft rim in athletic office against the wall on the left hand side of the door.
(2-3 people)
Check Game rosters available at Check In table and Scores Table and assist players to designated courts
Remove all tripping or slipping hazards from court
GAME 3: Experienced 4th-Beginning 9th Grade @ 2:45pm-4:15pm
SETUP TIME: 2:30pm-2:45pm
Take off 9ft rim on court B and store rim in athletic office against the wall on the left hand side of the door.
(2-3 people)
Check Game rosters available at Check In table and Scores Table and assist players to designated courts
Remove all tripping or slipping hazards from court